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Baby Athena

She spent 12 hours in the NICU due to “difficulty to transition” which is fancy medical talk for she needs a little help breathing. Within 8 hours she was in the normal L&D room with me and attempting to nurse.

See how we helped Athena

Resources and Stories

Healthcare Providers

Healthcare Provider Resources

Ebony Paul, MS is interning at MMBA as she works to complete her dietetic internship to become a Registered Dietitian focusing on pediatric and maternal health. She has written...


Gloria & Sophia’s Story

Sophia and Gloria’s story of persistence, love and belief motivates us. How about you?

Stories From Moms

Keller’s Story

Keller’s story moves us every time we watch it. We hope that you can appreciate this beautiful story of a family’s struggles and gratitude.  

Stories From Moms

Recipients Tell Their Stories

To celebrate 25 years of saving lives through donor milk we decided to turn to Woody Harrison Films once again for his expertise. He had already captured the Memorial...


Witnessing the Power of Human Milk

25 years ago, Andrea Morgan became the first Executive Director of Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin after giving birth to her own premature infant (seen here as a 1-pound...


So Many Lives Saved

On Friday and Saturday, we will pay tribute to two courageous neonatologists who wanted to end infant suffering from Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) – Dr. Audelio Rivera and Dr. George...


Celebrating 25 Impacts in 25 Years

25 Impacts in 25 Years Launched as the fourth – and now largest – milk bank in the US regulated by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America...


Ten Million Ounces and Counting: MMBA Celebrates a Special Milestone

Almost 25 years after Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin’s founding, we can celebrate our ten millionth ounce of donor human milk dispensed. The Austin Chronicle spoke to Executive Director...


Call for Posters: 2024 Human Milk Banking Association’s International Donor Milk Conference

  The Human Milk Banking Association of North America’s International Donor Milk Conference, “Harnessing the Power of Donor Milk and Making a Collective Impact,” will be held in Austin,...

Healthcare Providers

Babies Don’t Stop for Storms, so Neither Do We

No Texan enjoys cold temps and icy roads, but here at Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin, we don’t let that chilly weather stop us from getting lifesaving donor human...

Breast milk storage containers and bags

Milk Production

Babies Don’t Stop for Storms, so Neither Do We

No Texan enjoys cold temps and icy roads, but here at Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin, we don’t let that chilly weather stop us from getting lifesaving donor human...

Milk Production

Keep Austin Breastfeeding Flash Mob—Throwback Thursday

Here’s a Throwback Thursday all the way from 2010. Keep Austin Breastfeeding celebrated World Breastfeeding Day with a choreographed flash mob that converged on Zilker Park on August 1...

Milk Production

Dads Debate Public Breastfeeding

While enjoying some beer and pretzels, the dads from Dad Labs discuss the topic of public breastfeeding. Is public breastfeeding rude or offensive to others, or is it a...

Milk Production

The Human Milk Institute Opens Today

March 30, 2023, is the official opening day of the Human Milk Institute at UC San Diego. Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin collaborates with the Human Milk Institute’s director,...

Milk Production

people posing for a photo at mothers milk bank

Stories From Moms

Keller’s Story

Keller’s story moves us every time we watch it. We hope that you can appreciate this beautiful story of a family’s struggles and gratitude.  

Stories From Moms

Recipients Tell Their Stories

To celebrate 25 years of saving lives through donor milk we decided to turn to Woody Harrison Films once again for his expertise. He had already captured the Memorial...

Stories From Moms

Ten Million Ounces and Counting: MMBA Celebrates a Special Milestone

Almost 25 years after Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin’s founding, we can celebrate our ten millionth ounce of donor human milk dispensed. The Austin Chronicle spoke to Executive Director...

Stories From Moms

Babies Don’t Stop for Storms, so Neither Do We

No Texan enjoys cold temps and icy roads, but here at Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin, we don’t let that chilly weather stop us from getting lifesaving donor human...

Stories From Moms

donor human milk from austin milk bank

Healthcare Providers

Healthcare Provider Resources

Ebony Paul, MS is interning at MMBA as she works to complete her dietetic internship to become a Registered Dietitian focusing on pediatric and maternal health. She has written...

Healthcare Providers

So Many Lives Saved

On Friday and Saturday, we will pay tribute to two courageous neonatologists who wanted to end infant suffering from Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) – Dr. Audelio Rivera and Dr. George...

Healthcare Providers

Babies Don’t Stop for Storms, so Neither Do We

No Texan enjoys cold temps and icy roads, but here at Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin, we don’t let that chilly weather stop us from getting lifesaving donor human...

Healthcare Providers

Kudos, Huston-Tillotson University!

We applaud Huston-Tillotson University, the historically Black university based in Austin, Texas, for their new program that will train lactation consultants, doulas, and midwives to battle the high maternal...

Healthcare Providers

Share your

We love hearing stories from our milk donors and recipients about their experience with the Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin. We will use the stories to raise awareness of donor human milk on our digital platforms!

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