Last week, Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin said goodbye to our intern, Trinity Carter, who has completed her Masters of Public Health degree at Baylor University. During her nine-month internship at MMBA, Trinity worked with Breast Milk Equity and Education (BEEP) Program Manager Kristina Garrison-Clarke, MSW and Executive Director Kim Updegrove, CNM, MSN, MPH, who served as Trinity’s agency supervisor for her thesis, to develop evaluation and education components for BEEP.
During her internship, Trinity researched nutritional recommendations for breastfeeding moms while developing strategies to expand engagement and breastfeeding awareness in minority communities. From this research, she developed Healthy Mama, Healthy Baby, an eye-catching promotional sheet with health recommendations and tips for new moms like the number of additional calories moms need when breastfeeding and examples of healthy snacks.
Nutritional Options for Healthy Mamas, another tool Trinity designed during her internship, lists local programs that provide healthy food to Austin moms in low-socioeconomic status households. This resource features QR codes for each program to make it easy to access information.
Trinity credits her work with Kristina Garrison Clarke and Kim Updegrove as steering her toward a career in public health and breastfeeding advocacy. We are thrilled to share two tools she created below and are excited to continue our work with her post-graduation.