No one expects to have a premature child; we certainly did not.
We were shocked to be told that we had to deliver at 34 weeks because Yara was struggling to survive. We had no idea what all this meant or how she would do; or would she even survive? She made her entry screaming out loud and the doctor told us Yara was a fighter–all 2 pounds 3 ounces of her.
As I laid in recovery that night, a call came from the neonatologist asking if donor milk could be given to Yara, as she was very hungry. I felt inadequate and disappointed that I was not having the much anticipated “new mom nursing her baby” moments that all new mothers dream of having. I remember asking the doctor and nurse, “Is this safe? Will it help save my daughter’s life?” Their answer was, “Yes.” That’s all I needed to hear.
Having a premature baby that endured major surgery and several months of stay at the NICU was one of the most difficult experiences of our life. But knowing that there are life-saving services like Mothers’ Milk Bank was one pivotal ray of hope for use to count on during our scary journey.
-Recipient Mom