Ann McGinley is not only one of our most loyal volunteers, but also one of the most loved. When Ann retired in 2006, she knew she wanted to use her background in chemistry to help others but wasn’t sure where that skill set might fit. Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin supplies healthy, natural human breastmilk to preterm and medically fragile babies all over Texas, and the process requires strict attention to science – turns out this was a perfect fit for Ann!
Last month Ann was nominated by RecognizeGood as part of the 2020 RecognizeGood Legend award winners!
Say Thanks, Austin is a month-long gratitude campaign from RecognizeGood where they get to say thank you to the amazing volunteers that keep their nonprofits running – they couldn’t do it without you. The Legend with the most votes will receive a $10,000 donation that will go back to the organization they support!
Please help our friend and volunteer Ann McGinley to get more votes! 100% of the donations we receive are dedicated to supporting our mission and our lifesaving programs like the Charitable Care Program.
How to Say Thanks:
Anyone in the world may say thanks to one Legend (or more) once per day, per voting method listed below from January 4th through January 29th. Vote every day, in all 7 ways to maximize your gratitude for these incredible individuals!
Ann’s VOTE button on the “Vote Say Thanks, Austin” page at
MCGINLEY to (512) 456-9244
MCGINLEY to our Facebook fan page at
MCGINLEY to our Instagram page at @RecognizeGood
MCGINLEY @RecognizeGood with the hashtag #SayThanksAustin
MCGINLEY in the subject line to
your name, then sign and date where indicated on Ann’s Say Thanks form (download here)
About Recognize Good
RecognizeGood® is an Austin-based 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides the means for anyone to illuminate, connect with and learn from great examples of goodness. RecognizeGood is a partner and advisor to forward-thinking businesses, an advocate for the employees of those businesses, and an imaginative champion for all nonprofits in our community.